More about me

Hola! My name is Lina. I am 21 years old and I come from a small town in the countryside of Belgium. My region is known for its quality beers, its unique dialect and monuments in honor of the first World War.

When I was little, my mom used to take us on small road trips to our neighbouring countries. Living in Belgium, it’s very easy to get there. We started with France and the Netherlands, then started doing yearly trips to the UK and eventually went further and further. To this day, we still travel together, with our next destination being Thailand!

Growing up, I realised that these trips sparked a big curiosity in me to explore. When I was 15 years old, I participated in an AFS exchange program that took me to Finland for 5 months. I lived in a Finnish family and went to high school there at that time, learning all about life in this Nordic country. This was my first big adventure and a taste of all the ones that had to come. Read more about my exchange here.

After Finland, I couldn’t wait to graduate and start travelling! Sadly, in my last year of high school, the coronavirus pandemic started, restricting travel for an indefinite time. That’s when I decided to go to university to learn about travelling professionally by studying International Tourism.

When most restrictions were lifted, I left for on my first solo trip to the Canary Islands in Spain. I discovered solo travelling was more intense in the best way possible. I had to leave my comfort zone as an introvert and talk to people! You can say I gained a lot more confidence during that trip.

My studies continued during this time, and allowed me to live abroad for 5 months twice! In my second year, I went to Alicante to study Hospitality at its university as part of my Erasmus exchange. Not a semester later, I left for Cape Verde to do my internship at the Municipality of Boa VistaRead more about these experiences here!

September 2023 I graduated, so I had all the freedom to travel around before I started working. I did a road trip through Spain, discovered Latin America for the first time by going to Argentina, and then returned to the place of my exchange for a while: Finland. Next on the planning: moving to Spain!

I started this travel blog as a way to keep track of where I go and what I know. Time tends to make me forget about the small moments during a trip, and the big lessons they learn. It is, as the name says, a travel diary.

As a tourism student, I learned a lot about several destinations and how the tourism industry operates. I learned about passenger rights and tourism trends, as well as destination management. I hope to share all this with you, so you can travel mindfully and consciously. Read more information on my blog!

Hi! I'm Lina

As a beginning travel blogger, I love to share people about the adventures I experience abroad. I wish to inspire to people to get the confidence to do the same and live your best travel dreams.